August 17 Pharmacy Week in Review: Lung Cancer in Women, Nation's Best Hospitals Ranked
August 17th 2018This weekly video program provides our readers with an in-depth review of the latest news, product approvals, FDA rulings, and more. Our Week in Review is a can't miss for the busy pharmacy professional.
USP 800: Performing an Assessment of Risk for Hazardous Drug Handling
August 8th 2018In this clip, Patricia Kienle, BSPharm, MPA, FASHP, Director of Accreditation and Medication Safety at Cardinal Health Innovative Delivery Solutions, discusses key steps for performing an assessment of risk in compliance with USP 800.
Pharmaceutical Industry Giving Attention to Cannabis 'Cousin'
August 1st 2018Ned Milenkovich, PharmD, JD, is chairman of the health care law practice at Much Shelist PC in Chicago, and former vice chairman of the Illinois State Board of Pharmacy. In this video, he discusses hemp, and why it is drawing increased attention from the pharmacuetical industry.