Medication Management in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Marc O'Connor, chief operating officer of Curant Health, discusses counseling patients on a therapeutic regimen for IBD.
Most Common Problems Pharmacists Run Into During a Disaster
Donnie Calhoun, RPh, PD, National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) Foundation vice president, discusses some common problems that arise during a disaster.
Pharmacy Mistakes That Can Disrupt Patient Loyalty
Liz Tiefenthaler, president of Pharm Fresh Media, talks about mistakes that some pharmacists make that can disrupt patient loyalty.
Stopping Memantine or Cholinesterase in Dementia Patients
Kalin M. Clifford, PharmD, BCPS, discusses when treatment with memantine or cholinesterase should be stopped in patients with dementia.
Challenges Pharmacists Need to Overcome as Health Care Models Shift
Bryan Ziegler, PharmD, executive director of Kennedy Pharmacy Innovation Center, discusses challenges pharmacists need to overcome as health care models shift to pay-for-performance reimbursement models.
Pharmacy Week in Review: November 13, 2015
This weekly video program highlights the latest in pharmacy news, product news, and more.
Challenges Patients Face When Trying to Set Up Travel Immunizations
Beverly Schaefer, RPh, of Katterman's Sand Point Pharmacy in Seattle, Washington, talks about the most common challenges patients face when trying to set up travel immunizations.
How Medical Marijuana May Impact Specialty Pharmacy
National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) Executive Director James E. Smeeding, RPh, MBA, discusses the development of medical marijuana within the specialty space.
What It's Like to Work Undercover for a DEA Task Force
Carlos Aquino, founder and president of PharmaDiversion LLC, talks about his experience working undercover for the Philadelphia Drug Enforcement Administration task force.
Accountable Care Organization Goals and Specialty Pharmacy
Michael Zeglinski, vice president of Specialty Pharmacy Operations at BriovaRx, discusses the alignment between specialty pharmacies and ACOs.
Why You Should Have a Travel Section in Your Pharmacy
Beverly Schaefer, RPh, of Katterman's Sand Point Pharmacy in Seattle, Washington, talks about the benefits of having a travel section in a pharmacy.
Rewards and Challenges of Treating Geriatric Patients
Judy Beizer, PharmD, CBP, FASCP, AGSF, discusses the rewards and challenges of treating geriatric patients.
Precautions to Take When Treating Geriatric Patients
Judy Beizer, PharmD, CBP, FASCP, AGSF, discusses the drugs that should be used cautiously when treating geriatric patients.
Reasons for the Beers Criteria Changes
Judy Beizer, PharmD, CBP, FASCP, AGSF, discusses the reasons for the recent changes made to the American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria.
Pharmacist's Role in Treating Geriatric Patients
Kalin M. Clifford, PharmD, BCPS, discusses the pharmacist's role in managing conditions such as dementia or atrial fibrillation in the geriatric population.
Continuing Treatment in Dementia Patients
Kalin M. Clifford, PharmD, BCPS, discusses the factors should be considered when determining whether or not a patient with advanced dementia should continue taking a memantine or cholinesterase inhibitor.
Challenges and Opportunities for Consultant Pharmacists
Mark Parkinson, CEO of the American Health Care Association, discusses challenges and opportunities that consultant pharmacists might encounter in the post-acute care industry.
The Future of the Post-Acute Care Industry
Mark Parkinson, CEO of the American Health Care Association, discusses potential changes that may occur in the post-acute care industry.
The Evolving Role of Consultant Pharmacists
Mark Parkinson, CEO of the American Health Care Association, discusses how the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists might evolve in response to recent changes within the past-acute care industry.
How Post-Acute Care Industry Changes Will Affect Pharmacists
Mark Parkinson, CEO of the American Health Care Association, discusses how recent changes within the post-acute care industry might benefit or hinder pharmacists.
Cooperation Between Consultant Pharmacists and Provider Organizations
Richard Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD, discusses how consultant pharmacists and provider organizations can help one another to achieve their respective objectives.
How Provider Organizations Manage Risk
Richard Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD, discusses the ways in which provider organizations have attempted to manage risk.
Consultant Pharmacist and Provider Organization Objectives
Richard Stefanacci, DO, MGH, MBA, AGSF, CMD, discusses how the objectives of consultant pharmacists differ from those of provider organizations.
Working with Geriatric Patients
Todd Semla, MS, PharmD, BCPS, AGSF, of the Department of Veterans Affairs discusses the rewards and challenges of treating geriatric patients.
Caution in Treating Geriatric Patients
Todd Semla, MS, PharmD, BCPS, AGSF, of the Department of Veterans Affairs discusses the drugs that should be used cautiously when treating geriatric patients.
Reasoning Behind Beers Criteria Updates
Todd Semla, MS, PharmD, BCPS, AGSF, of the Department of Veterans Affairs discusses the reasons for the recent changes made to the American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria.
Changes to AGS Beers Criteria
Todd Semla, MS, PharmD, BCPS, AGSF, of the Department of Veterans Affairs discusses the recent changes made to the American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria.
Preventing Inappropriate Antimicrobial Use
Elias Cachine, PharmD, discusses how pharmacists can prevent inappropriate antimicrobial use.
Contributing Factors to Antibiotic Overuse
Elias Cachine, PharmD, discusses the factors that can potentially contribute to antimicrobial overuse in geriatric patients.
Consequences of Antibiotic Overuse in Geriatric Patients
Elias Cachine, PharmD, discusses the potential complications that can arise as a result of antibiotic overuse in geriatric patients.