Streamlining Relationships Among Specialty Pharmacy Stakeholders
Erin Hohman, PharmD, BCPS, director of Clinical Pharmacy Services at Amber Pharmacy, discusses how communication can be improved among specialty pharmacies, manufacturers, and pharmacy benefit managers.
Biosimilars in Specialty Pharmacy
Suzette DiMascio, CHE, CMCE, CPC, president and CEO of CSI Specialty Group, discusses the potential impact of biosimilars on specialty pharmacy.
Optimal Management Programs Vital to Specialty Patient Success
Rebekah L. Hanson, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, discusses the elements of an effective patient management program in specialty pharmacy.
Overcoming High Out-of-Pocket Costs in Specialty Pharmacy
Marc O'Connor, COO and Chief Strategy Officer at Curant Health, discusses how pharmacies can help patients manage high drug costs.
Managing Effective Specialty Drug Distribution
Kevin James, RPh, MBA, vice president of Payer Strategy at US Bioservices, discusses optimal support for distribution of specialty therapies.
Pharmacy Week in Review: April 13, 2017
This weekly video program provides our readers with an in-depth review of the latest news, product approvals, FDA rulings, and more. Our Week in Review is a can't miss for the busy pharmacy professional.
Alignment Between Specialty Pharmacy and ACOs
Mark A. Vineis, vice president of Specialty Pharmacy at Cardinal Health, discusses how specialty pharmacies can help achieve the goals of accountable care organizations.
Helping Patients Manage High Medication Co-pays
Deborah Michaelson, MS, RPh, vice president of Operations at Ardon Health, discusses how pharmacies can help patients overcome the cost of high co-pays to maintain specialty drug adherence.
Pharmacy Week in Review: April 7, 2017
Limitations in Prior Authorizations for Specialty Drugs
Sheila Arquette, RPh, director of Pharmacy Services at Independent Health, discusses the impact of prior authorizations on specialty pharmacy.
How Will Drug Costs Impact the Specialty Pharmacy Patient Experience?
Grant E. Knowles, PharmD, discusses how the projected growth in specialty drug spending may change the patient experience in the years ahead.
How to Improve Adherence to Specialty Drugs
Suzette DiMascio, CHE, CMCE, CPC, president and CEO of CSI Specialty Group, discusses how to optimize a drug adherence program in specialty pharmacy.
Pharmacy Week in Review: March 31, 2017
What Should Pharmacists Advise Patients About Methotrexate and B1?
Judy Sommers Hanson, PharmD, FAPhA, chats with Pharmacy Times about the important role that pharmacists can play in educating the public on B1 and methotrexate use.
Are There Interactions Between Certain Medications, Nutraceuticals That Pharmacists Should Counsel About?
Pharmacists need to remain aware of certain interactions that can occur with medications and nutraceuticals.
What Role Do Pharmacists Play in Educating About Nutraceuticals?
Patients can use guidance about what vitamin products to select for their use.
Getting Patients to Take an Active Role in Their Own Care
Eric Peacock, co-founder and CEO of MyHealthTeams, discusses the importance of specialty pharmacies collaborating with patients in their care.
Maintaining Adherence as Out of Pocket Costs Rise
Marc O'Connor, COO and Chief Strategy Officer at Curant Health, discusses how specialty pharmacy can help patients manage high out of pocket costs for specialty drugs.
What Is the Role of the Pharmacist in Explaining CVD Medicines?
In this clip taken at APhA 2017, Evan Sisson, PharmD, of VCU School of Pharmacy discusses the role of the pharmacist in counseling patients about cardiovascular medication and nutraceutical use.
The Long-Term Impact of Biosimilars
Douglas Samojedny, RPh, director of Pharmacy Operations at Pharmacy Advantage, discusses how biosimilars could impact specialty pharmacy into the immediate future.
How Can Pharmacists Help Deal with Clinical Inertia?
Pharmacists play an important role in helping to deal with clinical inertia.
What Treatment Options Are Being Studied for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes?
There are several new options coming down the pipeline for patients with type 2 diabetes.
Are There Knowledge Gaps in Terms of Managing Patients with Diabetes?
Continuing education remains an important part of a pharmacist's life, particularly those dealing with an ever-increasing population of patients with diabetes.
What's New in the Treatment Development Pipeline for Patients with Diabetes?
There are several new treatments in the pipeline that hold promise for patients with type 2 diabetes.
What Role Will Pharmacists Play in Diabetes Management in the Future?
Sessions focuses on new diabetes treatment options.
What Options Should Pharmacists Consider When Tapering Patients from Opioids?
In this clip, Jeffrey Fudin, PharmD, who spoke at APHA 2017 on opioid tapering, discusses options pharmacists should consider when tapering patients.
What Should Pharmacists Consider When Discussing Abuse-Deterrent Opioid Formulations?
In this clip, Jeffrey Fudin, PharmD, discusses available options in abuse-deterrent formulations of opioids.
Pharmacy Week in Review: March 24, 2017
How Value-based Care Could Affect Specialty Pharmacy
Grant E. Knowles, PharmD, vice president of Business Development at Ardon Health, discusses the potential impact of value-based care on specialty pharmacy.
Effective Medication Therapy Management in Specialty Pharmacy
Jonathan Van Lare, PharmD, director of Clincal Services at Pharmacy Advantage, discusses the elements of a successful specialty pharmacy therapy management program.