

Pharmacy Times

October 2015 Diabetes
Issue 10

Pet Peeves (October 2015)

Read about network issues, complainers, and other pet peeves.

When patients transfer all of their scripts because we offer a $25 transfer gift card and then transfer out as soon as they get it.

Nagging Plus Network Issues.

When a customer is nagging me to get insurance approval while I’m killing myself to do it, but the online approval produces an error due to a network issue.


My pet peeve is others telling me their pet peeves!

Complaining About Paying for Convenience.

People who complain we have the highest dispensing fee, but are all too happy to fill their Rx at our chain when they’re on their way to an early-morning or late-night flight out of the country. We’re forced to do all sorts of detective work and take the risk that the Rx is not valid to transfer anymore. Then we have to wait until the next day to transfer their important med from our competitor down the street who closes at 6:00 pm.

What’s bothering you? Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-throughs? Pharmacy Times wants to know. Send your pet peeves to [email protected]. We’ll add them to our ongoing published list. Share your Pet Peeves with Pharmacy Times today!

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