Pharmacy Times
What's bothering you in the pharmacy?
Jagged Little Pill Bottles
I absolutely HATE when coworkers open a new bottle of medication, punch a hole in the foil seal, count out part of it, leave the jagged foil pieces, and recap and reshelve it.
Urgent Expectation
A patient comes in just after visiting an urgent care, expecting the prescription to be ready.
Missed Opportunity
It drives me crazy when a patient comes in to pick up a prescription for a chronic renewed opioid, and they are asked to sign a pad to document "I decline counseling."
Buyer Beware
There is very little regulation regarding the preparation or standardization of herbal remedies, as they are considered dietary supplements.
What's Bothering You?
Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-through demands? We want to know! Send your pet peeves to [email protected]. We’ll share them here and online.