

Pharmacy Times

December 2014 Heart Health
Issue 12

Pet Peeves (December 2014)

I hate it when a staff member leaves an empty box/bottle on the shelf and doesn’t replace it with a new one or mark the lid with an “X” to indicate that it has been used. Ugh!

Inconsiderate e-Script Senders.

My Pet Peeve is e-script senders who don’t check for mistakes, don’t provide the number of days of supply, send an e-script to replace a drug that isn’t covered, don’t indicate when a script should be discontinued, and provide incorrect contact information so that we can’t even verify their poorly prepared script.

Outdated Insurance Cards.

Enough said!

Calling Insurance Companies.

We have prior approval for a medication, but the only drug in stock is different from the approved generic. A lengthy call to the insurance company is required to settle the issue.

What’s bothering you? Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-throughs? Pharmacy Times wants to know. Send your pet peeves to [email protected]. We’ll add them to our ongoing published list. Share your Pet Peeves with Pharmacy Times today!

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