Pharmacy Times
Lazy Seal Poppers Technicians who pop the foil seal into the stock bottle and leave the flap attached just to save 3 seconds, which bothers every other technician.
Inefficient Refill Requests. Doctors’ offices that (1) tell a patient to contact the pharmacy for refills and (2) wait for the pharmacy to send a request for a medication, when the patient just told the doctor which medicines are needed.
“Shooting” the Messenger. I hate it when customers get mad at us because their insurance doesn’t cover their medication—like it is our fault!
A Few Prescription Peeves. (1) “My doctor just sent my prescription over, why isn’t it ready?” An hour later, the nurse calls it in. (2) “You’ve never filled a prescription here before, so we need your insurance card.” But the patient has an expired card or doesn’t have the card. (3) When a prescriber sends the prescription to the wrong pharmacy.
What’s bothering you?
Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-throughs? Pharmacy Times wants to know. Send your pet peeves to [email protected]. We’ll add them to our ongoing published list. Share your Pet Peeves with Pharmacy Times today!