

Pharmacy Times

December 2013 Heart Health
Issue 12

Pet Peeves

Lazy Seal Poppers Technicians who pop the foil seal into the stock bottle and leave the flap attached just to save 3 seconds, which bothers every other technician.

Inefficient Refill Requests. Doctors’ offices that (1) tell a patient to contact the pharmacy for refills and (2) wait for the pharmacy to send a request for a medication, when the patient just told the doctor which medicines are needed.

“Shooting” the Messenger. I hate it when customers get mad at us because their insurance doesn’t cover their medication—like it is our fault!

A Few Prescription Peeves. (1) “My doctor just sent my prescription over, why isn’t it ready?” An hour later, the nurse calls it in. (2) “You’ve never filled a prescription here before, so we need your insurance card.” But the patient has an expired card or doesn’t have the card. (3) When a prescriber sends the prescription to the wrong pharmacy.

What’s bothering you?

Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-throughs? Pharmacy Times wants to know. Send your pet peeves to [email protected]. We’ll add them to our ongoing published list. Share your Pet Peeves with Pharmacy Times today!

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