

Pharmacy Times


Share Your Pharmacy Pet Peeves

It is no secret that pet peeves come with any profession. Pharmacy Times wants toknow what ticks you off. In each issue of our ePharmacy Times newsletter, we will continueour ongoing list of pharmacists' complaints. Perhaps you'll identify with one andnod your head in agreement because you're not alone. Please e-mail your complaintsalong with your name to Eileen Koutnik-Fotopoulos at [email protected] are some pet peeves pharmacists have submitted:

16. Dealing with people who are too lazy tofind out the correct day's supply on "as directed"blood glucose test strip prescriptions.—Steve Bristow

17. Handling patients who call the pharmacysuper hot under the collar, ask you a question,and then when you finally figure out whatthey are asking, they answer their own question.—Mindy J. Davis

18. Answering the phone when a patient tellsyou, "I just talked to my doctor's office aboutgetting a prescription for a medication thatmy doctor and I had previously talked about.The doctor's office told me to call my pharmacyand have them fax a request to theiroffice."—Felicia Huckaba

19. Filling a prescription for a patient who dropsoff a new prescription during a very busyperiod and is astonished when you tell themthey have to wait. They then exclaim, "Allyou have to do is slap a label on it."—Julia Rivera

20. Having it always be our fault when apatient's insurance company adjudicateswith a higher copay than the patient paidthe last time. Never mind that the last timewas months ago or that their formulary haschanged since the last time.—Charlee Mong

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