

Pharmacy Times


Compounding HOTLINE

Q: I have an order for nifedipine 0.2% cream for anal fissures. Can you supply a formulation for this cream?

A: For topical local use, a poloxamer gel will provide a formulation that will remain in place at body temperature, because the gel exhibits inverse temperature/viscosity behavior. The material, after compounding, has the appearance of a vanishing cream.


  • Calculate the required quantity of each ingredient.
  • Accurately weigh/measure each ingredient.
  • Levigate nifedipine with the ethoxy diglycol to make a smooth paste.
  • Add the lecithin:isopropyl palmitate 50:50 solution. Mix thoroughly.
  • Add sufficient Pluronic F-127 20% gel to desired total volume. Use mechanical shear force, to blend thoroughly (for example, syringe-to-syringe method or Unguator mixing device).
  • Package and label.


No claims are made as to the uses, safety, efficacy, or bioavailability of this product. The formulas are for informational purposes only. .

Mr. Erickson is director of professional affairs at Gallipot Inc.

E-mail your compounding questions to [email protected]

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