The ASHP Midyear Clinical Meetings and Exhibition is hosted by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists. The meeting focuses on professional development, networking, updating practice skills for pharmacy professionals, and staying current with the latest products and innovations in pharmacy.
How Pharmacists Can Provide Help in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Efforts
December 7th 2015Andrew North, PharmD, BCPS, a specialty practice pharmacist in emergency medicine at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, discusses some ways pharmacists can help in cardiopulmonary resuscitation efforts.
The Pharmacist's Role in Managing the Medication Process Outside the Pharmacy
December 7th 2015Matthew C. Grissinger, RPh, FISMP, FASCP, director, of error reporting programs at the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, discusses what the pharmacist's role is in managing the medication process outside the pharmacy.
Pharmacists Make Progress Toward Attaining Provider Status
December 12th 2013Speakers at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting ranging from ASHP President Gerald Meyer, PharmD, to Michael Lee, PharmD, of the Indian Health Service, argued that pharmacists are closer than ever before to achieving their goal of attaining provider status.
Considerations for Constructing a Specialty Pharmacy Service Business Plan
December 11th 2013Specialty pharmacy presents itself as both a challenging business model and a significant financial opportunity under the right circumstances, especially for health systems. Kevin Colgan, MA, FASHP, of Rush University Medical Center and Kyle Skiermont, PharmD, of Fairview Pharmacy Services provided an overview of specialty pharmacies and presented strategies for building a successful specialty pharmacy business.
Health Care Quality Measurement and Reporting: Experiences from the NQF
December 11th 2013Quality and performance measurement has become an integral part of the health care system. As pharmacists continue to increase their role and exposure as health care providers, they are well positioned to assist in identifying ways to improve the quality of care delivered and to play an integral role in the development of quality measures, according to Curtis Collins, PharmD, MS, BCPS (AQ-ID), FASHP, who spoke at the ASHP Midyear Meeting.
Controlling the Obesity Epidemic: Where Does Pharmacy Weigh In?
December 11th 2013As the prevalence of obesity continues to increase and treatment strategies evolve, pharmacists are not only in a position to advise on appropriate use of pharmacotherapy for obesity, but also to assist in improving outcomes from gastric bypass surgery.
The Clinical Impact of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) on Pharmacy Practice
December 10th 2013Genomic sequencing is rapidly increasing its value as a clinical tool in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, including cancer. In his presentation, Justin M. Balko, PharmD, PhD, from Vanderbilt University, provided a background on the current state of next-generation genomic sequencing (NGS), and the potential role that pharmacists play as this science continues to evolve.
Integration of Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Services in an Accountable Care Organization
December 10th 2013In this session, a sustainable business model for pharmacists practicing in an accountable care organization environment was described by Kelly Boesen, PharmD, BCPS, and Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, CDE, FAPhA, of the El Rio Health Center in Tucson, Arizona.
The Ideal Clinical Practice: Myth or Reality
December 9th 2013New and experienced pharmacists are always on the lookout for ways to improve their careers. This presentation focuses on some key strategies for identifying new opportunities that allow new and experienced pharmacists to develop and apply their clinical skills.
Newest Drugs of Abuse: Spice, Bath Salts, Salvia, and Beyond
December 9th 2013Illicit drug use continues to be a prevalent and growing problem in the United States, and the use of newer substances is on the rise. Because of the increasing prevalence and "tweaking" of compounds to avoid detection, the identification of drug abuse by practitioners often relies on signs and symptoms. In this session, presenters reviewed some of these agents, including their history and their impact on those abusing them.