
Dawn Royer, PharmD Candidate


Review of the 2022 ACCE Guidelines for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

The most common cause of death for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is cardiovascular disease, but it also increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma and may surpass hepatitis B and C as the leading cause of this cancer.

Rama Atwan, BSPharm


Empowering Pharmacy Technicians: A Comprehensive Apprenticeship Program

An inclusive apprenticeship program aligns with evolving roles, fosters growth, and positively affects patient care.

Rami El Assadi, PharmD Candidate 2022


The Role of Behavioral Economics in Addressing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

Well-designed incentives and education can help address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and bolster vaccination rates.

Nivaj A. Haque, PharmD Candidate 2027


Women Lead Vaccine Development Across the Industry

Notable contributions from female leaders in the pharmaceutical industry demonstrate the exceptional competence of women in vaccine innovation.

Ghania Naeem, PharmD


Management of Diabetes During Ramadan

It is imperative for health care professionals, especially pharmacists, to be well-informed regarding the physiological impact of Ramadan on diabetes.

John A. Bumpus, PhD


Tramadol: A Missed Opportunity for the Treatment of Depression

Evidence indicates that low-dose tramadol is a generally safe, effective, and fast-acting antidepressant for a substantial number of individuals suffering from depression.

Leif Mann, Kevin Shumway, Tracy Mahvan RPh, PharmD, MBA, BCGP


Treating COVID-19 in the Pediatric Population

An overview of current theses and research surrounding the pathogenesis, presentation, and treatment of COVID-19 in children.

Jessica Bylyku, PharmD candidate


What Is the Point of Point-of-Care Testing?

These diagnostic tests play critical role in chronic disease management, early interventions, and emergency situations.

Neha Nadkarni, PharmD, RPh


Exxua: A Lengthy Approval Under a Regulatory Lens

The story of gepirone may spark new conversations for industry standards on drug development to facilitate future innovations.

Andrew Wilson, BS, PharmD, FASHP


Optimizing Health System Pharmacies: Leveraging Data, Performance Indicators, and Automation

Health system pharmacies can enhance operational and financial performance by leveraging key performance indicators, data-driven tools, and automation, ultimately supporting the broader health system’s adaptability and growth within an evolving health care landscape.

Victoria MacLelland, PharmD Candidate


Hindsight Is 20/20: Two Final-Year Student Pharmacists Reflect on Their Experiences

Pharmacy school is about more than academics—it's also a time to build relationships and explore opportunities.

Moom R. Roosan, PharmD, PhD


Pharmacists Play Role in Pharmacogenomics Clinical Services

They should consider many factors and use clear guidance on predicting phenotypes from genotypes to intervene optimally based on specific drug-gene interactions.

Lauren Ray, PharmD, MBA


February Marks American Heart Month

Pharmacists can heighten awareness about cardiovascular health and promote heart-healthy lifestyles.

Ruo Jie Wu, PharmD Candidate


How Pharmacy Curricula Should Adjust to Abortion Legislature

Curricula should require comprehensive training for providing contraceptive care, helping students perform duties confidently and competently.

Sarah Clemente, MHA


Evaluate 503B Facilities for Outsourced Compounds

Complete due diligence before selecting a compounding pharmacy and establishing an outsourcing relationship.

Prem Shah, PharmD


Why Choose a Career in Community Pharmacy?

It’s imperative to redefine the future of pharmacy to help ensure a robust pipeline of future pharmacists and create a culture that helps ensure pharmacists live their purpose and passion.

Aderonke Adeboye, PharmD, BCPS


Can We Do More for Topical Therapy in Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis?

It's key for clinicians to optimize therapy prior to systemic agents.

Heather D. Nelkin, PharmD, BCOP, DPLA


Clinical Outcomes of Oral Anticancer Regimens in NSCLC Patients Managed in an Integrated Health-System Specialty Pharmacy Program

Pharmacist interactions provide significant benefits for patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with oral oncolytics.

Tiffany P. Brown, PharmD


Experiential Education Paves the Way for the Future of Pharmacy Curricula

Innovative experiential learning can provide students with skills necessary to launch successful careers, keeping the pharmacy profession trusted by patients.

Meghan Perry, PharmD candidate


A Review of Treatment Options, Guidelines for Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

With the release of the 2022 AHA/ACC Guidelines for the Management of Heart Failure, patients with HFpEF now have a wider range of treatment options.

Scott Kjelson, PharmD


Wellness is the Future of Pharmacy But is the Profession Prepared?

Currently, no national pharmacy organization has defined wellness in the pharmacy profession, which is needed so that others have a sense of guidance around wellness within the profession.

Nicholas Van Hise, PharmD, BCPS


Clinical Overview: Steps to Implementation of Rebyota for Recurrent C difficile Infection

Rebyota is a live biotherapeutic product that is unfamiliar to many pharmacists and other health care providers with different steps in the eventual administration process.

Sina Hosseini, PharmD Candidate


Tip of the Week: An Implementation Framework Is Key to Launching MTM Service

Evidence suggests that there are many barriers to the proper implementation of MTM services, including time constraints and lack of staff support.

Sophia Humphreys, PharmD, MHA


Biosimilar Copay Programs

Dr Humphreys discusses biosimilar copay programs.

James Parrish


Pharmacy Students Lead Drive-Through Influenza Vaccination Event

Idaho State University partners with the Idaho Immunization Coalition to effectively and safely vaccinate patients against influenza.

Stefanie Conley, PharmD, BCOP


Review of 3 Alternative Pathways to Access Non–FDA-Approved Drugs

Non–FDA-approved medications may be accessed for patient care via 3 alternative pathways: expanded access, the Right to Try Act, and off-label use, which are reviewed in this article.