The California Board of Pharmacy has authorized multiple waivers of specific provisions of pharmacy law, several of which have had major implications for pharmacy technicians and their scope of practice.
Study assesses the safety and tolerability of TH-302 in combination with dexamethasone.
The generic marketplace remains dynamic and complicated, as patent expirations,interest in biosimilars, and international competition spur major changes.
Hub services act to simplify the complexity and perform as an intermediary between involved parties.
Independent specialty pharmacies foster the development of innovative services and programs that demonstrate a patient-centric approach and an entrepreneurial business philosophy.
Those who handle hazardous drugs on a regular basis should follow steps to minimize exposure.
Protein S deficiency is a type of inherited thrombophilia associated with increased risk of venous thromboembolism.
The crucial role of self-care pharmacy practice requires that pharmacists develop a robust understanding of the implications of the current and proposed regulatory changes for nonprescription drugs.
Pharmacists in the Chicago area feel “overwhelmed” and “pressured” to meet demands and quotas.
The panel concludes its discussion with insights on successful strategies that can inform optimal collaborative care practices for cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with ASCVD.
Congress needs to take the necessary courageous steps to remove barriers to the development of promising treatments that will meet patients’ medical needs.
Nominal group technique reinforced with electronic voting technology to stimulate conversation is a feasible technique for conducting focus groups with primary care physicians.
Roosevelt University College of Pharmacy offers a unique 3-year program with state-of-the-art facilities.
Pharmacy students need to understand the value of mentoring and seek a quality mentor while still in school. Here are some guidelines for establishing this vital support system.
The particular skill set of the pharmacist is more fully utilized when the quality of care provided is valued over the quantity of prescriptions filled.
This study of patients treated with pregabalin or duloxetine found that pregabalin prior authorization policies were associated with increased exposure to potential medication-medication and medication-condition interactions.
Evidentiary standards for new or supplementary cancer therapeutic indication approvals by the FDA are consistent with off-label indication inclusions on Medicare-referenced compendia.
Eravacycline, Omadacycline, Plazomicin, and a Rifamycin Add to the Armamentarium for Treating Resistant Infections
Oliceridine (Olinvyk) expands options for managing moderate to severe acute pain, but cost, drug-drug interactions, and other factors come into play.
Student pharmacists across the country have had to adjust their expectations of what P4 year will look like.
Researchers have developed a novel peptide drug called FFW that could potentially reduce tumor growth and slow progression of liver cancer.
There are specific treatment options patients may qualify for depending on the cytogenetic or molecular abnormality detected.