
Amanda Binkley, PharmD, AAHIVP


Hepatitis C Treatment

There are now 8 FDA approved medications for HCV treatment, all of which bypass the use of interferon.

Tom Rhoads


Using Technology for Patient Engagement: Are We There Yet?

New tools and platforms can help pharmacists to support patients.

Kirk McKay, Managing Editor


The 340B Drug Pricing Program: Keeping Up with Changes

Health-system pharmacists need to stay abreast of changes.

Michael A. Nameth, RPh, MBA


Commentary: Specialty Pharmacy Helps Promote Patient Adherence

Successful outcomes with specialty pharmaceuticals depend on patient adherence—pharmacists play a vital role in educating patients prior to and during therapy.

Stephanie Gurren, PharmD Candidate


States Continue to Expand Availability of Telehealth

Telehealth has become a viable niche in US health care because it lets patients and providers use technology to seek medical advice and diagnose and treat illnesses.

John S. Linehan


Conflicting State Compounding Regulations Create Barriers for FDA-Registered Outsourcing Facilities

Although the federal government has taken steps to comprehensively regulate outsourcing facilities, many states have been slow to reform their pharmacy laws.

Natalie R. Jacuzzi, MPH


Impact of Medicaid Preferred Drug List on Long-Acting Opioid Users

An opioid preferred drug list was not associated with an increase in emergency department visits or hospitalizations in a Medicaid population.

Tomoko Sugihara, MS


Defining the Teriparatide Patient: Osteoporosis Sequence of Care and Healthcare Resources

This study provides real-world evidence of a teriparatide (TPTD) patient’s characteristics, sequence of care, and healthcare resource utilization, and compares TPTD patients with non-TPTD patients.

Gilbert N. Muma, PhD


Persistence With Mirabegron Versus Tolterodine in Patients With Overactive Bladder

In a retrospective analysis of the Optum database, overactive bladder patients treated with mirabegron bladder patients persisted longer with treatment than patients treated with tolterodine, and had reduced resource utilization and costs.

Barbara J. Wilson-Relyea, PhD


Cost Outcomes of Diabetes Education in a Specialized Community Pharmacy

Diabetes management offered by an employer group in a self-funded health plan over 3 years resulted in significant cost savings and improved patient outcomes.

Jenny Bingham, PharmD, BCACP


Telepharmacy Offers Opportunity Amid Pandemic

The contributions to patient care through the incorporation of digital clinical pharmacotherapy will help legitimize the role of pharmacists in telehealth.

Daniel Merenstein, MD Professor


The Expanding Health Benefits of Prebiotics and Probiotics

A Continuing Education program, featured in the February 2018 issue of Pharmacy Times.

Rahul Shenolikar, PhD


COPD Medication Adherence and Persistence Among Managed Medicare Enrollees

The authors evaluated the significance of Medicare prescription plan choice on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease maintenance medication adherence and persistence using Optum Research Database information.

Brandon Dionne, PharmD, BCPS-AQ ID, BCIDP, AAHIVP


New Antibiotics Treat Select Resistant Infections

Cefiderocol and IV fosfomycin are exciting new options, and further clinical outcomes data will help define their roles.

Hari Rayapudi


What Makes a Good Call Center for Patient Assistance Program Success?

Effective specialty pharmacy patient assistance programs help patients access and remain adherent to high cost drugs.

Willis Chandler, SVP & President, Health Systems & Specialty Services, AmerisourceBergen


Implementing a Health-System Specialty Pharmacy

By establishing in-house specialty pharmacies, health systems can accelerate growth while offering patients innovative therapies, an enhanced experience, and clinically coordinated care that ultimately improves outcomes.

Thanh Nguyen, PharmD


Hypertension: Promoting Adherence When a Condition Is "Silent"

Educating patients about lifestyle changes, strict medication adherence, and home blood pressure monitoring can help them to avert complications from this often silent condition.

Rebecca Nolen, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP


FDA Adds Novel Antimicrobials to Arsenal

Antimicrobial resistance continues to pose a significant health threat, necessitating new antibiotics with novel mechanisms to treat these complicated infections. However, between 2010 and 2018, newly approved antibiotics were primarily derived from previously established drug classes. This past summer, the FDA approved 2 new antibiotics.

Himayapsill Batista Quevedo, PharmD


Pharmacists Can Help Assess New FDA-Approved IV Opioid

Oliceridine (Olinvyk) expands options for managing moderate to severe acute pain, but cost, drug-drug interactions, and other factors come into play.

Rachel Root, PharmD, MS, BCPS


Fostering Rapid Innovation During a Time of Crisis

Promoting an environment that allows for rapid problem-solving and execution under high stress is essential to face problems that are poorly understood and yet require rapid change.

Sharon Glave Frazee, PhD, MPH


Specialty Pharmacy Improves Adherence to Imatinib

The authors examined trends in the utilization of prescription opioid medication following introduction of abuse deterrent technology for Oxycontin.

Ahmed Eid, PharmD Candidate


Worlds Apart: Health Care and Pharmacy in China

My encounter with the Chinese health care system revealed practices very different from the ones in the United States.

Holly Dill, PharmD, CGP


The Comparative Value of 3 Electronic Sources of Medication Data

Combining medication history information from multiple sources improves the completeness and accuracy of the medication information.

Greg Isaak


The Role of Specialty Pharmacies in Accountable Care Organizations

With their focus on data, reporting, and outcomes measurement, specialty pharmacies are uniquely positioned to play an important role in the changing health care landscape.

Amber Paley


Managing Medications for Elderly Patients

With elderly patients being prescribed more drugs than ever before, caregivers face a huge challenge in managing medications and preventing negative outcomes.