Pharmacists have the potential to help optimize treatment and maximize supportive care management for targeted therapies.
Can the profession afford not to retain expanded job roles for technicians in a post-pandemic era?
Although robotics can be instrumental in assuring sterility and reducing the overall number of potential hazardous drug exposure events, certain tasks require vigilant oversight.
Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting can impact patients’ treatment outcomes.
Despite demonstrating numerous benefits, semaglutide has also been linked to an increased incidence of diabetic retinopathy, which was initially reported in the SUSTAIN-6 trial.
By offering personalized guidance, promoting awareness, and fostering open communication, pharmacists can empower their patients to navigate the new year with a focus on both wellness and safety.
Two groundbreaking cell-based gene therapies, exagamglogene autotemcel and lovotibeglogene autotemcel, were recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of sickle cell disease.
Ph-like ALL may be predominantly prevalent in Hispanic and Latino populations.
Finding the right medication or drug combination for individual patients is critical.
Study results indicate early swap to oral antibiotics in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia is just as effective.
Pharmacists answer questions about blood pressure and antidepressant use during pregnancy.
Pharmacists should prioritize the needs of the patient in front of them and determine what matters most in each specific situation.
This quality improvement initiative demonstrates that pharmacies were unable to use performance reports provided by the payer to improve performance scores and decrease direct and indirect remuneration (DIR) fees.
Managing transitions of care is vital to discontinue use of unnecessary drugs and minimize medication errors.
The use of outpatient pharmacy protocols for glucose testing and insulin administration supplies should be expanded to assist patients in the self-management of diabetes.
Studies have indicated that medication synchronization can have a positive impact on medication adherence, but few have assessed patient satisfaction with these programs.
Novel drug development has been focused on the augmentation of the T-lymphocyte response.
This Valentine’s Day, pharmacists can remind patients that they may not need to feel guilty when they indulge in a small piece of chocolate.
Medication Safety Week is observed April 1–7. With the theme, I am Medication Safety, this year, Novant Health, a 15-hospital health system in North Carolina, focused on the importance of medication safety for the leaders of their safety program. Kristin Murphy, the leader of the Novant Health Medication Safety Program, shares her thoughts on medication safety.
Pharmacies can help bring inequities plaguing health care systems to an end to ensure the COVID-19 pandemic does not follow trends of inequity experienced in the HIV pandemic.
Atrial fibrillation, bleeding, infection, and other adverse events may occur with this therapy.
Pharmacists’ expanded role comes at a cost, as they must now navigate conflicting laws, ethical dilemmas, and professional expectations while maintaining the integrity of their practice.
With the current social media trend of the “Sleepy-Girl Mocktail” claiming to provide quality sleep, is this trend fact or faux as a quality sleep aid?
Part 1 of this 4-part series provides a general overview of the trends that are moving payers and pharmaceutical companies in this direction.
The significant surge in oncology drug shortages in 2023 particularly affected essential chemotherapeutic drugs.
The rising use of prescription stimulants in the US presents significant safety risks, legal challenges, and supply chain shortages, emphasizing the need for pharmacist involvement in promoting responsible prescribing.
What many preceptors may not realize is that in addition to learning about practice settings, all graduates of pharmacy schools in the United States must also be able to demonstrate leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship.