
K. Ashley Garling, PharmD


When to Call, When to Counsel: Fluoroquinolone Tendinopathy

A collaborative health care approach enhances patient outcomes and supports informed decision-making in antibiotic management.

Tina Cheng, PharmD, MCSC


Focus on Multiple Sclerosis: Benefits of Advanced Pharmacist Certification, a Glimpse into the Drug Pipeline

Pharmacists who educate patients with multiple sclerosis and expand their understanding and knowledge of the condition empowers them to take part in a more active role in managing their health.

Erin Hunter


Speaking a Second Language Has Countless Benefits in the Pharmacy Setting

Being able to communicate in a different language can improve treatment adherence and medication efficacy outcomes

Miranda Delatore, MSN, RN, NEA-BC


If You Want to Know Where Pharmacists' Roles Are Heading, Follow Patients

Last year in particular, pharmacists played a greater role in patient care with an increased workload as they connected patients, providers, and payers.

Hayden Mitteer, PharmD Candidate


Eculizumab and Other Therapies for the Treatment of High-Risk Transplant-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy

Eculizumab (Soliris; Alexion), a C5 inhibitor preventing cleavage into C5a and C5b, is widely considered the first-line therapy for high-risk TA-TMA.

Stuart Johnson, MD


Key Takeaways on FMTs in the Treatment of CDI

Experts provide practice pearls for educating patients on and using FMTs for the management of CDI.

Azhar Hussain, DHA, MBA


The Role of Site Management Organizations in Clinical Trial Management

SMOs offer a range of services, including site selection, patient recruitment, data management, regulatory compliance, and quality assurance.

Shanna Schneider, PharmD, BCPS


Standardizing Infusion Pumps in Large Health Systems Enhances Safety

Analyzing consolidation of 8 drug pump libraries into 1 IV infusion library in a 9-hospital system: from standardization to implementation.

Jessie Modlin, PharmD, BCOP


Emerging Role of BRAF Inhibitors in Relapsed/Refractory Hairy Cell Leukemia Treatment

BRAF V600E inhibitors show improved outcomes in relapsed/refractory hairy cell leukemia.

Merry Ann Sta Maria, PharmD Candidate


Novel Drug Combinations in Precision Medicine Are an Emerging Landscape for Pharmacists

A single-center experience at a tertiary medical center precision medicine clinic provides insight.

Nicole Mehan, PharmD Candidate


Veteran Care Should Be Added to PharmD Curriculum

Studies show a need for coordination between the VA health care system and non-VA health care practices to decrease confusion and duplication of services.

Stuart Perry


Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing for Greater Reliability, Efficacy

Point-of-care testing can vary in complexity, but is always performed at or near a patient and at the site where care or treatment is provided.

Sacha Pollard Deloney, PharmD, MBA


Preventing the Mad Scramble Before a Pharmacy Compliance Audit

Self-audits help onsite frontline pharmacy leaders and team members to assess compliance before an external surveyor enters their pharmacy to inspect medication use processes.

Elma Telushi, PharmD Candidate


Updated Guidelines for Managing Clostridioides Difficile Infection in Adults

A diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile infection does not instantly require treatment, but new guidelines include recommendations for treatment when warranted.

Noor Naffakh, PharmD, MS


Immunotherapy Followed by Targeted Therapy Shows OS Benefit in BRAF-Mutated Melanoma

Each therapy presents a different but effective treatment option.

Steve Riddle, PharmD, MSIM, BCPS, FASHP


Slowing the Opioid Crisis Begins in the Hospital

Although the opioid epidemic is a broad societal problem, health systems can play a critical role in the response.

Alexander McCarthy, PharmD


Study Shows Value of Investing in Pharmacogenomics Testing for Tacrolimus Dosing in Kidney Transplant Recipients

More cost effectiveness data is crucial in advocating for better insurance coverage in the United States.

Julie Dopheide, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP


Educational Resources to Support Patients

Panelists discuss how comprehensive educational resources are essential for empowering patients with TD to better understand their condition, actively participate in their treatment decisions, and achieve optimal outcomes through improved self-management and adherence.

Wes Smith, FSA, CERA, MAAA


Industry Grapples With How to Cover Gene Therapy

Members, as well as health plans, pharmacy benefit managers, plan sponsors, and reinsurers want to know how to fund these expensive treatments to ensure positive outcomes.

Anjeza Fero, PharmD, RPh


Mental Health and Suicide Awareness: A Guide for Pharmacists

Pharmacists can provide resources, monitor medications, and extend compassionate support to patients experiencing mental health challenge.

Rebekah Dant, PharmD, BCACP


Immunization Awareness Month Highlights the Role of Pharmacies

By sharpening our vaccine confidence skills and advocating for expanded immunization scopes of practice, we can help improve convenient vaccine access in the US.

Gabrielle Pierce, PharmD, MBA


Optimizing Self-Management for Outpatient Pharmacy Patients With Diabetes

The use of outpatient pharmacy protocols for glucose testing and insulin administration supplies should be expanded to assist patients in the self-management of diabetes.

Stella Gurgova, MSc


The Role of Site Management Organizations in Clinical Trial Management

SMOs offer a range of services, including site selection, patient recruitment, data management, regulatory compliance, and quality assurance.

Zachary (Zack) Nelson, PharmD, MPh, BCIDP, BCPS, AAHIVP


SHEA Provides Updated Guidelines on Health Care Facility–Onset CDI in Acute-Care Hospitals

Data show these cases pose some of the most significant threats to patients and health systems.