Did you know that health plans completely cover certain OTC products when patients present a prescription?
There were no signifi cant differences in mean low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels after patients were converted from fl uvastatin to pravastatin therapy.
The placement of clinical pharmacists at the nexus of functional pharmacogenomics and in specialty pharmacy care makes good sense.
Demonstrating success is critical to building a long-term care business. How can your pharmacy make a difference?
Gaining the most value from membership requires active participation by techs and a willingness to go outside their comfort zones.
The authors examined trends in the utilization of prescription opioid medication following introduction of abuse deterrent technology for Oxycontin.
In some circumstances, antihypertensives can play a role in treatment even when a patient's blood pressure readings are normal.
Drug development and innovation could render the current specialty pharmacy model obsolete in 20 years.
Adherence among seniors to 3 widely used chronic medication classes differed by medication burden, patient characteristics, and specific comorbid conditions.
The conduct and interpretation of comparative effectiveness research must build confidence that this research will enable improved access to appropriate healthcare interventions.
There is no greater support team available to students than their pharmacy school.
Advanced behavioral analytics can differentiate patterns of fraud and abuse from instances such as oncology patients receiving multiple prescriptions from different specialists.
Examination of changes in utilization, dose adequacy, and duration associated with market entry of the oral chelator deferasirox as a potential substitute for parenteral deferoxamine.
Mr. Laudien is a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch in Princeton, NJ, member of Securities Investor Protection Corp.
Poor medication compliance in chronic diseases in a well-known public health problem. Pharmacists play a key role in optimizing medication use in patients with chronic conditions.
Approximately 35 million individuals are currently living with HIV/AIDS.
Benefit structure and formulary design characteristics are important for individuals with high out-of-pocket costs in federally facilitated Health Insurance Exchanges.
In September 2009, the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Society gathered a study group of 12 managed care medical and pharmacy directors. The objective was to examine the impact that biomarker-based assays could have on the approaches payers and providers use to manage cancer.
Pharmacists should encourage patients to recognize and report any symptoms of depression in order to achieve optimal control of diabetes.
We assessed time to maintenance dose attainment in commercially insured men initiating topical testosterone agents and compared daily maintenance doses and costs of this therapy.
Inhibiting the calcium release-activated calcium channel found to be an effective approach to limit allergic asthma without affecting the body’s defenses against influenza.
A CMS guide to the new medicare part D overutilization policies has takeaways for pharmacists.
Pharmacists can serve as essential members of a research team in a role that involves much more than traditional dispensing functions.
Pharmacists should identify barriers that may prevent patients from adhering to complicated regimens or receiving proper care.