The authors studied the usefulness of a regular telephone follow-up to improve adherence to oral antiosteoporosis treatments. Their results support such follow-up and the use of this strategy in routine clinical practice.
This analysis evaluates-from a US payer's perspective-the economic impact of using rivaroxaban versus enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis following total hip or knee replacement surgery.
Current developments and innovations that will shape the future of specialty pharmacy.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers depend on hubs to act as connectors between various stakeholders across the specialty drug prescribing process.
Evidentiary standards for new or supplementary cancer therapeutic indication approvals by the FDA are consistent with off-label indication inclusions on Medicare-referenced compendia.
A chain pharmacy implements an integrated care program featuring pharmacists and health care coaches who provide in-store counseling.
A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted to compare disease-specific healthcare resource utilization and the costs of collagenase clostridium histolyticum and fasciectomy among adult Dupuytren’s contracture patients.
Consider these steps for pharmacists to further evolve their role as the pandemic continues to put pressure on the health care system.
Dr. Goodin is the director of the division of pharmaceutical sciences at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey and associate professor of medicine, division of medical oncology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick.
Empirical findings suggest that hyaluronan injections and diacerein are similarly effective. Yet the authors found that monetary savings could be realized when conservative treatment with diacerein is chosen.
Everything you need to know about WCH from diagnosis, treatment, and a review of the literature.
Given the disadvantages of opioids, including side effects and potential for addiction, non-opioid medications play an important role in pain management.
More than 86 million Americans over the age of 20 have prediabetes, 29 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes, and another 8.1 million Americans are living with undiagnosed diabetes.
Sensors that can be attached to insulin pens, smart auto-injectors for patients with MS, sensors for inhalers, smart pill bottles, and bioingestible sensors are some of the evolving technologies.
Medicare Part D plans can change their cost-sharing structure and formularies every year. As such, beneficiaries should annually reevaluate plan offerings to minimize their out-of-pocket costs.
Making the patients’ lives easier is at the heart of my job.
Collaboration Is a necessary component of successful compliance with USP , and technology can help.
A session during the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) 2020 Annual Meeting & Expo Virtual Experience, held September 14 to 18, 2020, highlighted some of the nonprofit’s activities.
The pharmaceutical industry continually develops novel therapeutics, many of which require refrigeration and are associated with high costs. In the event of such temperature excursions as a breach in the cold chain protocol, pharmacists are looked upon as experts who can deter- mine whether medications are still viable.
In this retrospective chart review, patients with hepatitis C had a sustained virologic response with either dual or triple therapy.
Description of strategies that employers can consider to better manage their PBM relationship to optimize their pharmacy benefit costs.
Existing levodopa therapies for Parkinson’s disease often provide inadequate symptom control after prolonged treatment. This study assessed the cost-effectiveness of an extended-release carbidopa-levodopa formulation (IPX066).
Helpful patient education suggestions for the successful management of COVID-19 at home and when it is appropriate to seek medical attention.
Chemotherapy, antivirals, and hormone therapies are among the drugs addressed in the 2016 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health list.
This real-world study suggests that improved clinical outcomes are possible in the difficult-to-treat elderly patients with type 2 diabetes group without affecting healthcare costs, by initiating insulin therapy with a pen device.
PrEP simplifies management of the virus by eliminating the need for immune globulin and decreasing the number of doses needed.
This study linked e-prescribing records to paid pharmacy claims to identify primary nonadherence rates and factors associated with unfilled prescriptions.
This study demonstrated that a linezolid PA program did not appear to be associated with a negative impact on medical outcomes and was associated with lower costs.