
Daniel Shifrin


Celebrating 45 Years of Pharmacy Stamps

This month marks the 45th anniversary of the introduction of the pharmacy stamp. A collector of the commemorative envelopes of first-day covers ruminates on his hobby.

John J. Barron, PharmD


Analyzing the Impact of Different Value-Based Insurance Design Programs

Total 1-year healthcare costs were not significantly reduced by 2 value-based insurance design programs for diabetic patients, although education appeared to improve quality of care.

Phillip S. Owen, PharmD, BCPS


Postsurgical Pain Control

Data from large survey reports suggest that more than 80% of Americans who undergo surgery experience some level of postsurgical pain.

Danmin Lu, Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate


Zooming Through the Pandemic: NSU Virtual AMCP Student Chapter

There are many benefits to adopting and integrating new technological methods for hosting pharmacy organization events.

Brandeis Seymore, RPh, MPBA Candidate


Value Based Contracts for Specialty Pharmacy

In an era of high-priced drugs, health care stakeholders continue to explore alternative pricing models that focus on the concept of value-based drug purchasing models.

Anne Runyon


Oncology Therapy Choices Under Greater Scrutiny From Payers

The cost of oncology treatment is high and rising in the United States.

Michael Bartholow, PharmD


Top 200 Drugs of 2010

This close look at the top 200 drugs of 2010 by sales and prescriptions dispensed reveals the story of a pharmaceutical market in flux.

TJ Sayre, PharmD


Antidepressant Discontinuation: What the Tertiary Databases and Package Insert Tells You

Discontinuation of antidepressants should take place gradually, as abrupt stoppage or marked reduction in the dosage of an antidepressant is frequently associated with adverse effects (AEs), such as withdrawal symptoms.

Kelly L. Matson, PharmD


Detecting Signs of Opioid Abuse and Treating the Addiction

Knowing the warning signs and establishing trust are crucial to identifying and treating the opioid abuser.

James Notaro, BSPharm, MS, RPh, PhD


Medication Reconciliation: 2013 and Beyond

The entrepreneurial pharmacist has the responsibility of creating the value proposition for providing medication reconciliation.

Steve Arnoff


Statement by Ralph G. Neas, President and CEO, GPhA, Regarding 21st Century Cures

GPhA commends House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Rep. Diana DeGette, Health Subcommittee Chair Joe Pitts, and Health Subcommittee Ranking Member Gene Green for their bipartisan leadership around fostering the development of new cures.

Matthew Weathers, PharmD


A Diabetes Success Story

One of the most enduring lessons from my training in the care of geriatric patients is the following maxim: “Treat every new symptom like a (possible) drug adverse effect until proven otherwise.”

Cherylann Gregory, RN, BSN


A Tribute to Oncology Nurses

Oncology nurses help improve patient outcomes through their dedication and expertise.

Karen A. Fitzner, PhD


Taking Medication in Diabetes Self-Management: Issues and Recommendations for Reducing Barriers

This paper considers opportunities and barriers relating to medication taking and self-management by people with diabetes and related conditions as discussed during an invitational symposium.

Frank J. Nice, RPh, BSPharm, MSPharm, MPA, DPA, CPHP


Depression and Breast-Feeding: Medication Use

Knowledgeable pharmacists can positively influence mothers who are depressed as well as women who want to breast-feed but do not because of medication use.

James A. Jorgenson, RPh, MS, FASHP


Rethinking Pharmacy Employee Engagement

While often overlooked, employee engagement is a key element in determining whether a hospital, health system, or pharmacy service can effectively meet its patient access, patient quality, and organizational financial demands.

Jan E. Berger, MD, MJ


Laser Focused in Drug Usage

A model of formulary decision making that evaluates medications based on usage could have significant implications for providers, consumers, and manufacturers.

Clarence D. Moore, PharmD, BCPS


Decongestants and Hypertension: Dangerous Together

Nearly 33% of adults in the United States have the typically symptomless disease known as hypertension.

Bruce Parsons, MD, PhD


Trends Associated with Implementing and Lifting a Pregabalin Step Therapy Policy

This study examined the impact of a pregabalin step therapy policy on utilization and medical costs in Humana’s Medicare and commercial plans.

Jonathan Ogurchak, PharmD, CSP, Founder & CEO, STACK


Continuous Glucose Monitoring: An Opportunity to Understand and Individualize Diabetes Management

For patients with diabetes, continuous glucose monitoring offers the opportunity to lessen the burden of traditional finger sticks.

Chureen Carter, PharmD, MS


Comparative Treatment Patterns Among Psoriasis Patients Using Adalimumab, Etanercept, or Ustekinumab

This retrospective study compared the treatment patterns of ustekinumab with recommended maintenance administration every 12 weeks, with adalimumab and etanercept, administered weekly or every other week, for the treatment of plaque psoriasis.

John P. Caloyeras, MPhil


Comparative Effectiveness of Fidaxomicin for Treatment of Clostridium Difficile Infection

Our analysis models the clinical and economic value of fidaxomicin for the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection compared with metronidazole and vancomycin.