Jonathan Ogurchak, PharmD, CSP, sits down with Specialty Pharmacy Times to discuss value-based care and whether or not it poses challenge to data standardization in specialty pharmacy during the NASP Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
Jonathan Ogurchak, PharmD, CSP, sits down with Specialty Pharmacy Times to discuss value-based care and whether or not it poses challenge to data standardization in specialty pharmacy during the NASP Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
JO: It poses challenges to the pharmacies themselves. Pharmacies need to put technology in place to be able to drive their operations and fill a prescription, adjudicate a claim, read a label, but problem is until the standards are actually out there. They’re detailed, they’re defined. It poses a challenge because the vendors need to know how do I align that. How am I driving the development of this technology to meet the needs of our constituents, our partners, our stakeholders, etc. And so, it’s good that PQA is putting these opportunities out there to help guide that framework, and that guidance is going to help to define what that development needs to look like to support it longer term.