Top news of the day from across the health care landscape.
One of the most sought after independent biotech companies that sells a leading prostate-cancer drug is nearing an agreement to be acquired by pharma giant Pfizer Inc. According to The New York Times, this $14 billion all-cash deal between Medivation Inc and Pfizer could be announced as early as Monday, and would end months of bidding for Medivation.
Individuals who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) are struggling with the decision of how they want to dispose of leftover embryos, reported NPR. In the United States, its estimated that nearly 1 million frozen embryos are in storage, with a number of them used for research, and for the expanding families. In a 2015 study of 58 couples who had conceived through IVF and had at least 1 frozen embryo in storage, more than 70% were undecided how they wanted to dispose of surplus embryos, with some struggling several years after the procedure. In March, a study discovered that 131 couples who had successful IVF treatment were dissatisfied with the education they obtained from their health care providers and disposal decisions. Furthermore, less than 50% reported satisfaction with the emotional guidance they received. “With the astonishing advancements in reproductive science, IVF now produces far more embryos than it did in the past,” said Dr. Anna Glezer, a psychiatrist at the University of California. “The choices that abundance poses are very difficult for some couples, which raises the need for psychological resources, such as peer support groups for these families.”
Physician and epidemiologist Donald Henderson, who helped eradicate smallpox passed away at 87-years-old, reported BBC News. Known as D.A., Henderson successfully led the World Health Organization’s (WHO) war on the smallpox virus, with the last know case found in a hospital cook in Somalia in 1977. Henderson went on serve as a science and bioterrorism advisor to 3 US presidents. “He led the effort to rid the world of smallpox,” said Tom Inglesby, direction of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for Health Security. “He advised presidents. He was honored by countries around the plant. He changed the say schools of public health teach the next generation. [He] truly changed the world for the better.”
FDA Grants Approval to Generic Extended-Release Memantine/Donepezil and Everolimus