
Pharmacogenomics in Practice

Amina Abubakar, PharmD, AAHIVP, discusses how pharmacogenomics works in her daily practice with patients. This video was filmed at the 2019 NCPA Annual Convention in San Diego.

Amina Abubakar, PharmD, AAHIVP: We use this to mitigate adverse drug events for patients, so in one aspect, if you look at a preemptive way to test patients, these are ways where we can educate for the sake of wellness. So right now I may not be taking any medications, but I would love to make sure the next time I take the medication, it’s the right one. So we have a preemptive way to educate the patients, and they choose to get the test. But in our workflow, it’s more about semi-preemptive. Now you have patients that you have medications being discontinued, or they speak to you that they’re not sure this medication works for them, or they’re on high-risk medications that you know have genetic implications. So those are the patients that you identify, and then you ask their provider to get tested, get the results, and then work with the patient to make sure we tailor their therapies.

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