

Pharmacy Times

December 2012 Heart Health
Issue 12

Pet Peeves

Science Fair?

Patients who insist on collecting their snot in a piece of plastic wrap for 3 days so they can bring it in to show you!

Keep It Clean.

“Here is my Z-Pak and promethazine syrup prescription,” says the patient, after wiping his nose with a finger on the same hand he just used to dig the Rxs out of his pocket.

Make Yourself at Home.

Customers who practically stretch out on the pharmacy counter while calling to activate their discount card.

Patience Is a Virtue.

Patients who call in a prescription that has no refills and ask you to call them back as soon as it is ready. But they end up calling back every 1 to 3 hours anyway to check on it. If I haven’t called you yet, it’s obviously not ready!

The Freeloaders.

When patients ask, “Can’t you just give me a few?” No more than I can take a $20 bill out of the register and hand it to you!

Third Time’s a Charm.

I fill a prescription as written for #60, and then the patient decides he wants #30, so I change it all—and then the patient decides he wants #20.

What’s bothering you? Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-throughs? Pharmacy Times wants to know. Send your pet peeves to [email protected]. We’ll add them to our ongoing published list. Share your Pet Peeves with Pharmacy Times today!

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