You Oughta Be in Pictures Why don’t shows like Dr. Oz or The Doctors ever have a pharmacist in their panel of experts? Every day I hear, “Excuse me, I’m looking for [insert obscure vitamin/supplement here]. I saw it on Dr. Oz.” (Provide your best advice for how to handle this situation in the space to the right, and you'll be entered into a drawing to win an iPad!)
Instant Gratification. It drives me crazy when a person hands me a script and I say, “OK, give us 15 minutes,” and they look at me and say, “Really? I see it right behind you.” Don’t they know we don’t just slap labels on them?
Mail Order Madness. Mail order diabetic supply companies make things so simple for a customer. Until the patient runs out of strips and we don’t carry the brand. So the customer gets mad at me!
Helping Hands. My pet peeve is seeing that my experienced, dependable pharmacy technicians never receive a wage that reflects their worth. Run for the Border. I have patients and even doctor’s offices that demand that I get them Canadian drugs—what kind of power do they think I have?
FDA Grants Approval to Generic Extended-Release Memantine/Donepezil and Everolimus