GatherMS aims to fill the resource knowledge gap in the MS landscape.
Genentech has launched the website GatherMS to provide patients and caregivers with the necessary resources to help with everyday tasks and activities, according to Multiple Sclerosis News Today.
The website was created in response to a multiple sclerosis (MS) Mindset survey, which included 800 individuals with MS and their caregivers. Nearly 80% of respondents indictated that they wanted help, but could not find the resources needed.
The results of the survey also showed that 85% of patients with MS miss out on summer activities and sporting events, and 60% refrained from making social or long-term commitments, according to Multiple Sclerosis News Today.
One of 3 caregivers reported limiting their own social commitments due to concerns that the patient would need them on a given day, according to Multiple Sclerosis News Today.
To address this need, Genentech partnered with MS experts and advocacy groups to develop GatherMS. They aimed to create an easy-to-use platform that would showcase resources, including support services, to help individuals manage the disease, according to Multiple Sclerosis News Today.
The following 6 types of services are listed on the site: community support, daily tasks, emotion support, events, health and wellness, and work and life planning. Additionally, GatherMS offers lists of national services and local services for select cities, the report noted.
A comprehensive list of MS-related events includes the Accelerated Cure Project, Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National MS Society, National Organization for Rare Disorders, and the World MS Day.
The primary goal of GatherMS is to make it easier for patients and caregivers to locate what they need and give them more time to be with friends and family, according to Multiple Sclerosis News Today.
GatherMS was unveiled at the Consortium for Multiple Sclerosis Centers annual meeting in New Orleans, according to Multiple Sclerosis News Today.