Yoga and aquatic exercise seen to decrease fatigue, depression, and paresthesia in MS patients.
A recent study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) who engage in exercises like yoga and aquatic exercise have a decreased likelihood of experiencing some symptoms, such as fatigue, depression, and paresthesia.
The study was conducted with 54 patients with MS randomized into 1 of 3 groups: yoga, aquatic exercise, or no exercise.
Patients were also asked to complete a questionnaire detailing their symptoms. All patients continued their existing treatments, including taking medication to regulate their immune systems.
Patients in the yoga and aquatic exercise group took part in their respective activity 3 times per week. Researchers found that after 8 weeks, these patients had a decreased rate of fatigue, depression, and paresthesia compared with the control group who did not exercise.
The group who did not take part in exercise showed a 35-fold increased risk of moderate-to-severe depression than those in exercising groups.
"Exercise training programs should be considered in the future as possible complements to standard MS treatments," the researchers concluded.