Pharmacy Times
It is no secret that pet peeves come with any profession. Pharmacy Times wants toknow what ticks you off. In each issue of our ePharmacy Times newsletter, we will continueour ongoing list of pharmacists' complaints. Perhaps you'll identify with one andnod your head in agreement because you're not alone. Please e-mail your complaintsalong with your name to Eileen Koutnik-Fotopoulos at [email protected].Here are some pet peeves pharmacists have submitted:
6. Trying to comprehend insuranceplans that allow only 1 refill of achronic medication and thenrequire mail order for their clients(our patients)—Barry Fidler
7. Dealing with patients who will notget off their cell phone when you aretrying to counsel them, or even justchecking to make sure they are thecorrect patient—Paula Lukas
8. Filling prescriptions for patients whoorder a refill, then have the prescriptiontransferred to another pharmacywithout picking up their refill—MelKottwitz
9. Handling patients who come in on aSaturday with no medication andare out of refills—Julie Strahl
10. Offering patient counseling when98% of the patients want to talkabout how much the drug costs—Jamie Huff