Pharmacy Times
Central Patient Record technology isnow used in >700 stores in multiplechains throughout the United States,reported Version 1 of thenew Enterprise PharmacySystem (EPS V1) facilitates the chainwideexchange of demographic, prescription,clinical, and transaction data.The system permits true chain-widedrug utilization review (DUR) andallows patients to have prescriptionsfilled and refilled at any store in thechain. Furthermore, the EPS is integratedwith the e-pharmacy Webengine, which enables patients to viewtheir complete medication profile forall prescriptions filled at any store withina chain.
SUPERVALU Pharmacies Inc, with >190pharmacies in 10 states, has completedits rollout of EPS V1. "Our pharmacyteams have experienced improved productivityas customers move betweenneighboring locations," said RegisteredPharmacist Denise Schultz, director ofpharmacy support for SUPERVALU."Having this access enables our pharmaciststo provide meaningful consultationswith our customers relative to their medicationtherapy."
Pittsburgh, Pa-based Giant Eagle, withpharmacies in 184 of its supermarkets,also completed its chain-wide rollout ofEPS V1. "Another benefit of the EPS V1 isthe chain-wide DUR," said RegisteredPharmacist Randy Heiser, vice presidentof pharmacy for Giant Eagle. "If a patientgoes to multiple pharmacies, his/herpatient records are available centrally.Therefore, a pharmacist can performdrug utilization review across all thepatient's medications, allowing betterquality service." will continue the rolloutof the central patient record technologythroughout 2006 and anticipates another2700 stores to be live on the technologyby the end of the year.