

Pharmacy Times


Alere Expands Resources in Patient Interventions

Alere Medical Inc and ResolutionHealth Inc are working together toexpand Alere's disease managementcapabilities to identify patients andintervention opportunities. ResolutionHealth's technology will be used toaccelerate claims analysis for pharmacy,medical, laboratory, and otherdepartments to facilitate the identificationand enrollment of patients intoone of Alere's disease managementprograms. In January 2006, the companylaunched the new capabilities withPacifiCare Health Systems.

As part of the agreement, Alere willalso incorporate Resolution Health'sDirect-to-Member personalized interventionswith its disease managementprograms for some of PacifiCare'snational accounts, driving membercompliance with evidence-based guidelinesand PacifiCare's drug formularyby up to 60%, according to studies ofResolution Health's personalized membercommunications.

"Active enrollment and engagementof patients into result-driven diseasemanagement programs are key componentsof health care today," saidGordon Norman, MD, MBA, chief medicalofficer for Alere. "ResolutionHealth's technology is a great complementto our existing capabilities andwill further our ability to provide consistent,demonstrable results on behalfof our customers."

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