

Pharmacy Times


Partnership Benefits Pharmacy Students

Pharmacy students can take advantage of educational services sponsored by the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) and the Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA) Institute. The 2 organizations have partnered to offer an extensive benefit package of compounding educational services available to current NCPA student members at a significantly discounted rate.

NCPA student members receive many benefits of membership, including a substantially discounted registration fee and opportunities for scholarships and educational loans. With the partnership, for an additional fee of $12.50 per year, NCPA student members will receive the following:

  • A $50 discount on the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination Review Course
  • Priority placement in Laboratory Boot Camp sessions
  • Priority enrollment in advanced online laboratory courses
  • Quarterly E*news student newsletter
  • Monthly Apothagram PCCA newsletter student edition
  • Bimonthly International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding student edition
  • Online services at www.pceutics. com, such as online mentoring with compounding pharmacists, compounding pharmacy internship site search, and compounding pharmacy job placement

These services are part of PCCA's Subscription Program for Pharmacy Students called the "Pharm.D 2B [to be] Pack" or Pharm.D. 2B Access to Compounding Knowledge.

Pharmacists interested in sponsoring a student's attendance at 1 of the training programs may contribute in any amount to student scholarships. The following sums will fund tuition or direct expenses related to PACK Programs:

  • $200 will allow 1 student to become a PACK member and attend Boot Camp in Houston, Tex, or London, Ontario
  • $500 can fund 1 student's general costs for course fees, travel, etc
  • $845 will allow 1 student to become a PACK member and attend 1 of the 2 advanced compounding courses, each of which is a 10-week online course followed up with a 2-day in-house lab session in Houston, Tex; most schools also award 2 hours of credit for these courses

Students interested in finding out how they can join the PCCA PACK should contact Christina Barnett, PharmD, associate director of student programs at the PCCA Institute, by calling 877-798-3224, ext. 5, or by e-mail at [email protected]. For more information about NCPA Student Membership, students should contact Tom Murray, PharmD, director of student affairs at NCPA, by calling 800- 544-7447, ext. 647, or by e-mail at [email protected].

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