Avoiding cash investments, re-evaluating your investment portfolio for risk and maxing out tax-advantaged savings plans are just a few of the Top 11 financial moves recommended by wealth management experts at Brinton Eaton of Madison, N.J.
"Next year offers investors great opportunities, but the risks are real and haven't diminished," said Brinton Eaton President Robert DiQuollo, CFP, CPA. "We expect volatility to continue; smart investors will look to maximize upside potential by exploiting that volatility, while taking measures to protect their downside," says principal and Chief Investment Officer Jerry Miccolis, CFA, CFP, and co-author or Asset Allocation For Dummies®. At the same time, they say, investors must keep a sharp eye on how changes in tax law affect their situations.
Here are Brinton Eaton's Top 11 moves investors should make in 2011 to preserve and grow wealth, and adapt to changing income tax and estate tax policy.
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